Select a Category to Begin Listing!

Listings are FREE
We believe in Building Community!

Artist Studio or Apartment listings to The Royal List will last 2 weeks. Options will include a way to boost your listing to the top of the Listings page as well as the Home page.

Artist Profiles are FREE
We believe in Building Community!

To create and view Artist Profiles, you must Register to The Royal List. Once you Login, go to your "My Account" page to upload up to 12 artworks for FREE, add title descriptions, and edit your profile. The Artist Profiles are used for selecting exhibition Open Calls at The Royal @ RSOAA.

Coming Soon
Opportunities & Event listings are FREE!

Artist Studio or Apartment listings to The Royal List will last 2 weeks. Options will include a way to boost your listing to the top of the Listings page as well as the Home page.